El día de hoy se estará celebrando en San Pablo, Brasil, el evento «Social Media & Latin American Democracy», organizado por «Elections and Democracy in the Digital Age», una iniciativa de la Fundación Kofi Annan, y Social Science.
En el mismo participarán investigadores, académicos, representantes de organizaciones de la sociedad civil de todo el continente, con el objeto de abordar la temática de las redes sociales y su impacto en la democracia y las elecciones.
A continuación el programa y los expositores:
9:15-10:30am Social Media & Brazilian Democracy (part one)
Social Media and the Fifth Power. Marco Aurelio Ruediger
The Technological Bias of Political Information. Max Stabile
Political Debate in Brazil and Its Themes. Lucas Calil Guimarães Silva
Populism and Conservatism in Bolsonaro’s Facebook Campaign. Pablo Ortellado
Social Media & Brazilian Democracy (part two)
Disinformation in Elections. Marcio Vasconcelos Pinto
Presentation of #NãoValeTudo: A campaign to discuss the ethical use of technology in the 2018 Brazilian elections / The Case of Bancada Ativista during the 2018 Elections. Caio Tendolini
Two of the Various Disruptions Between the Electoral Rules and the Brazilian Electoral Campaign of 2018. Francisco Brito Cruz
Brazilian Election Law and Disinformation. Diogo Rais
Discussion of Social Science One and the Kofi Annan Commission on Elections and Democracy in the Digital Age. Nathaniel Persily, Stephen Stedman
Social Media Research on Latin American Democracy (part one)
Varieties of Incidental News Consumption on Social Media. Pablo Boczkowski, Eugenia Mitchelstein
Fake News by Popular Demand: Reputation, Ideology, and Issue Attention in the Diffusion of Misinformation. Ernesto Calvo, Natalia Aruguete
Using Secondary Survey Data to Assess Digital Information Effects on Political Behavior in Latin America: Results and Hurdles. Jason Gainous
News Use Through Social Media: The proliferation of the newsfinds-me perception across cultures. Homero Gil de Zuñiga
Big Data, Digital Agnosticism, and Other Challenges of Social Media Activism in Latin America.Summer Harlow
Responses to Speech in Social Media: The problems of path dependency in media regulation in Latin America. Silvio Waisbord
Social Media Research on Latin American Democracy (part two)
Disinformation and Social Groups on Mexico 2018 Local Election: The case of Puebla Governor campaign. Eber Omar Betanzos Torres
The Fake News Legal Factories and Their Harassment of Democracy: The Telesur Case. Leandro Querido
The Personal is the Political? Effects of WhatsApp Use on News Knowledge, Attitudes, and Participation in Chile. Ingrid Bachmann
Sharing Fake News: Analysis of exposure to and credibility of rumors in Chile’s news media landscape. Magdalena Saldana
Colombia Peace Process and How Social Media Affected TV media on their Coverage about the Peace Referendum. Victor Manuel Garcia Perdomo
4:00-5:00pm Presentation: Facebook Brazil Office on Facebook in Brazil and Latin America. Monica Guise Rosina, Debs Delbart, Marcos Tourinho